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Command Line Interface#

Requirements: lazycon#

Thunder provides its users with CLI to bring convenience and comfort into experiment building and execution routine.

For any help you can use

thunder --help

Building an experiment#

In order to build an experiment, you can execute the follwing command:

thunder build /path/to/config /path/to/experiment
It will create a folder with built configs in it.
If /path/to/experiment already exists, thunder raises error. In order to overwrite existing directory use --overwrite / -o flags.

Overriding config entries#

While conducting experiments one can find themselves in constant need of changing significant number of parameters. But it is not convenient to always do it via IDE or any other code editor. Thunder gives an ability to override the values while building an experiment.

If in your config you have

batch_size = 1
lr = 0.01
You can override it using -u flag:
thunder build /path/to/config /path/to/experiment -u batch_size=2 -u lr=0.001 
batch_size and lr will be assigned 2 and 0.001 respectively.

Running an experiment#

You can run built experiment by executing the next command:

thunder run /path/to/experiment
Under the hood thunder extracts necessary entries (e.g. model and trainer) from your built config and executes, train_data, ...).


As default options Thunder supports several backends: - cli (default) - slurm

You can switch between them by specifying --backend flag.

thunder run /path/to/experiment/ --backend slurm -c 4 -r 100G 
The command shown above will run SLURM job with 4 CPUs and 100G of RAM.

Predefined run configs#

You can predefine run configs to avoid reentering the same flags. Create ~/.config/thunder/backends.yml (you can run thunder backend list in your terminal, required path will be at the title of the table) in you home directory. Now you can specify config name and its parameters:

  backend: slurm
    ram: 100G
    cpu: 4
    gpu: 1
    partition: partition_name
In order to run an experiment with predefined parameters, use --backend flag as in previous section:

thunder run /path/to/experiment/ --backend run_config_name
You can overwrite parameters if you want to (e.g. 8 CPUs instead of 4):
thunder run /path/to/experiment/ --backend run_config_name -c 8

Add, Set, List, Remove#

thunder CLI provides its users with built-in tools for managing their backends.

Command Description
thunder backend add Add run config to the list of available configs.
thunder backend list Show parameters of specified backend(s).
thunder backend remove Delete backend from list.
thunder backend set Set specified backend from list of available backends as default.



thunder backend add run_config_name backend=slurm ram=100 cpu=4 gpu=1 partition=partition_name
If specified name already exists, you can use --force flag in order to overwrite it.

thunder backend set SOMENAME
thunder backend list
thunder backend list NAME1 NAME2
*shows backends with specified names*

thunder backend list
*shows all backends*
thunder backend remove SOMENAME


Some loggers and other tools in your experiment may require name of the experiment. We find it convenient to use name of the folder you build your experiment into as the name of the experiment for loggers.
Example with WandbLogger:

from lightning.pytorch.loggers import WandbLogger
from thunder.placeholders import ExpName, GroupName

logger = WandbLogger(name=ExpName, group=GroupName)
In this case GroupName - name of the folder with built experiment and ExpName - name of the split.

WandB Sweeps integration#

WandB has hyperparameters tuning system called Sweeps. Sweeps allow you to run multiple experiment with predefined grid of parameters and compare run results. However, we find default sweep execution system very inconvenient when it comes to running experiments on cluster.

After running a few experiments with WandB Logger, you can create sweep configuration. WandB will give a command wandb agent project/sweep_id. You can copy it and paste it into the following command:

thunder PASTE_HERE /path/to/config /path/to/experiment 
In sweep config instead of one should specify experiment.config.