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This callback takes on computation and aggregation of the specified metrics.



Despite the word Metric in the name, this callback also takes on logging of train loss(es). It casts them by the following rules:
- If loss is of type torch.Tensor - {"loss": loss} is logged.
- If loss is a list or tuple, then it is logged as {"i": loss_i}.
- If loss is a dict, then it is logged as is.


All Tensors are cast to numpy arrays.

At the end of epoch they are averaged and sent to logger.

Metric Computation#

Metrics are assumed to be received as tuple (X, Y), where X - batch of predictions, Y - batch of targets. Further process of computation depends on whether Group or Single metrics are used. Also, there is no difference for MetricMonitor between (X, Y) and ((X,), (Y,)).
If your model has multiple outputs or requires multiple targets (e.g. neural network with 2 heads.), the output is expected to be ((X1, X2), (Y1, Y2)) (the most common way to represent such data in PyTorch), where X1 is batch of model's first output. In this case outputs will be recombined, so the first object of the output will be ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)), where x1 is the first element of batch X1.


Inside the callback outputs are swapped, so if LightningModule returns (X, Y) then metrics will receive (Y, X).

Group metrics#

Group metrics are computed on the entire dataset. For example, you want to compute classification accuracy on MNIST.

from thunder.callbacks import MetricMonitor
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[MetricMonitor(group_metrics={"accuracy": accuracy_score})])

If you use any loggers (e.g. Tensorboard or WandB), accuracy will appear in them as follows:
val/accuracy - validation metrics.
test/accuracy - test metrics.

You can also use preprocessing functions as keys of the dictionary. It is covered in Preprocessing part in Single Metrics paragraph. Here is simple example

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, recall_score
# y is binary label
# x is e.g. a binary tensor and we want to know if there is any true value in it.
threshold = lambda y, x: (y, x.any())

group_metrics = {threshold: [accuracy_score, recall_score]}
Despite group metrics being calculated on collections of entries, preprocessing is applied individually.

Single metrics#

Single metrics are computed on each object separately and only then aggregated. It is a common use case for tasks like segmentation or object detection.

Simple use case#

from thunder.callbacks import MetricMonitor
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[MetricMonitor(single_metrics={"accuracy": accuracy_score})])
MetricMonitor will log mean values by default. But you can add custom aggregations as well.

Custom aggregations#

Let see what can be done if we want to log std of metrics as well as mean values.

import numpy as np
from thunder.callbacks import MetricMonitor
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

aggregate_fn = np.std

metric_monitor = MetricMonitor(single_metrics={"accuracy": accuracy_score},

trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[metric_monitor])
The mean values appear in loggers with no additional keys. MetricCallback will try to infer the name of an aggregating function and use it as an additional key.

val/accuracy - validation mean accuracy.
val/std/accuracy - validation accuracy std.
test/accuracy - test mean accuracy.
test/std/accuracy - test accuracy std.

aggregate_fn can also be specified as follows:

import numpy as np

aggregate_fn = [np.std, np.median]
aggregate_fn = [np.std, "median", "max", "min"]
aggregate_fn = {"zero": lambda x: x[0]}
MetricMonitor can accept str or List[str] as aggregate_fn, in this format it supports the following metrics:

Name Function
"median" np.median
"min" np.min
"max" np.max
"std" np.std


Sometimes metrics require some preprocessing. In this case, keys of single_metrics dict must be callable objects.

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, recall_score

threshold = lambda y, x: (y > 0.5, x)

single_metrics = {threshold: [accuracy_score, recall_score]} 
# or
single_metrics = {threshold: {"acc": accuracy_score, "rec": recall_score}}
# or
single_metrics = {threshold: recall_score}
In the example above, accuracy_score and recall_score are computed on each case separately (e.g. like in semantic segmentation task). Preprocessing functions are applied on each entry separately in both single_megtrics and group_metrics.

Individual Metrics#

While computing single_metrics, one may appear in need of knowledge of metrics on each case. For this particular problem, the callback provides its users with log_individual_metrics flag. Being set to True it forces the callback to store table of metrics in the following format:

Name metric1 metric2
batch_idx0_0 some_value some_value
batch_idx0_1 some_value some_value
... ... ...
batch_idxn_m some_value some_value

For each set (e.g. val, test) and each dataloader_idx, MetricMonitor stores separate table.
By default aforementioned tables are saved to trainer.log_dir in the format of set_name/dataloader_idx.csv (e.g. val/dataloader_0.csv).
If loggers you use have method log_table (e.g. WandbLogger), then this method will receive key and each table in the format of pd.DataFrame.
Code from

logger.log_table(f"{key}/dataloader_{dataloader_idx}", dataframe=dataframe)
where key is the current state of trainer (val or test).

Since lightning allows to use batch_idx, these indexes are used for metrics dataframes. But there can be more than one object in batch. To overcome this issue we iterate over batch and mark each object with the next index:

for i, object in enumerate(batch):
    object_idx = f"{batch_idx}_{i}"
If all batches consist of single object, then "_{i}" is removed.


thunder.callbacks.metric_monitor.MetricMonitor #

Bases: Callback