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Forces lightning Trainer to fail on KeyboardInterrupt by raising RuntimeError.


from lightning import Trainer
from thunder.callbacks import FailOnInterrupt

trainer = Trainer(..., callbacks=[FailOnInterrupt()])


thunder.callbacks.fail_on_interrupt.FailOnInterrupt #

Bases: Callback

Forces RuntimeError in order for trainer to stop if KeyboardInterrupt was raised

Source code in thunder/callbacks/
class FailOnInterrupt(Callback):
    """Forces RuntimeError in order for trainer to stop if KeyboardInterrupt was raised"""

    def on_exception(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, exception: BaseException) -> None:
        if isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt):
            raise RuntimeError("Finished run on KeyboardInterrupt") from exception

on_exception(trainer, pl_module, exception) #

Source code in thunder/callbacks/
def on_exception(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, exception: BaseException) -> None:
    if isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt):
        raise RuntimeError("Finished run on KeyboardInterrupt") from exception