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You saw the lightning. Now it's time to hear the thunder 🌩️


🌩️ The Deep Learning framework based on Lightning


pip install thunder


Currently thunder is not published on pypi. Install it via git clone.

Start experimenting#

For the sake of simplicity (and sanity) we will get by with MNIST classification problem.

We need: - Datasets & Dataloaders (train, validation) - Model + optimizers & schedulers - Training loop

Writing your first configs#

For running an experiment with 🌩️ you first need a config. Only lazycon configs are currently supported. Create data.config (it can be anyname.config), and just write usual python code (many of the non-thunder imports are intentionally omitted for simplicity).

from torchvision.datasets import MNIST


train_ds = MNIST(".", train=True, download=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor())
val_ds = MNIST(".", train=False, download=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor())

train_data = DataLoader(train_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) # req
val_data = DataLoader(val_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE) # req

Datasets are ready to deploy, now we need a model. Let's create architecture.config (again, the name can be arbitrary).

from thunder import ThunderModule

architecture = nn.Sequential(nn.Flatten(), torch.nn.Linear(28 * 28, 10))

module = ThunderModule( # req
    architecture, nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), optimizer=torch.optim.Adam(architecture.parameters())
In came ThunderModule. Basically, it's just a wrapper around LightningModule with implemented train, val and test steps. The implementation should suffice many of the popular Deep Learning tasks.

The experiment is almost ready to be assembled, yet it usually is nice to have some metrics being calculated during the run. The more the configs, the merrier. metrics.config:

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from thunder.callbacks import MetricMonitor

metric_monitor = MetricMonitor(group_metrics={lambda y, x: (np.argmax(y), x): accuracy_score})
MetricMonitor is a 🌩️ callback, that keeps track of losses and metrics. It has many options, check the docs for more insights.

And now, all we need is Trainer. With it we will assemble the config.

from .metrics import *
from .data import *
from .model import *
from lightning import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(
One can see that we import all the previously created config into one.

Building the experiment#


thunder build /path/to/core.config /path/to/experiment_name
It will create a folder with build experiment.config. If you open it, you'll see that it is just merged .config files you imported.

Running the experiment#

thunder run /path/to/experiment_name
The command above will run with dataloaders fetched from the built config. build and run commands have many additional parameters, you can read about them in the documentation.

Core Features#