In [ ]:
from connectome import Transform
class Normalize(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def image(image, padding_value, intensity_sign):
if padding_value is not None:
if padding_value > 0:
return padding_value - image
return image
if intensity_sign == 1:
return image.max() - image
return image
from connectome import Transform
class Normalize(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def image(image, padding_value, intensity_sign):
if padding_value is not None:
if padding_value > 0:
return padding_value - image
return image
if intensity_sign == 1:
return image.max() - image
return image
Zoom to reduce image size¶
In [ ]:
from connectome import Apply
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
# 0.25 - is the downsample factor. It should probably be tuned via cross-validation
Zoom = Apply(image=lambda x: zoom(np.float32(x), 0.25, order=1))
from connectome import Apply
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
# 0.25 - is the downsample factor. It should probably be tuned via cross-validation
Zoom = Apply(image=lambda x: zoom(np.float32(x), 0.25, order=1))
Artifacts and background removal¶
In [ ]:
from connectome import Transform
from skimage.morphology import label
class GreatestComponent(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def image(image):
lbl = label(image > 0)
values, counts = np.unique(lbl, return_counts=True)
foreground = values != 0
component = values[foreground][counts[foreground].argmax()]
# select all the components greater than the background
# + the greatest foreground component
components = set(values[counts > counts[~foreground]]) | {component}
if len(components) > 1:
# if there are several components - pick the one with the greatest intensity
component = max(components, key=lambda c: image[lbl == c].mean())
return image * (lbl == component)
class CropBackground(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def image(image):
mask = image > 0
xs, = mask.any(0).nonzero()
ys, = mask.any(1).nonzero()
return image[ys.min():ys.max() + 1, xs.min():xs.max() + 1]
from connectome import Transform
from skimage.morphology import label
class GreatestComponent(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def image(image):
lbl = label(image > 0)
values, counts = np.unique(lbl, return_counts=True)
foreground = values != 0
component = values[foreground][counts[foreground].argmax()]
# select all the components greater than the background
# + the greatest foreground component
components = set(values[counts > counts[~foreground]]) | {component}
if len(components) > 1:
# if there are several components - pick the one with the greatest intensity
component = max(components, key=lambda c: image[lbl == c].mean())
return image * (lbl == component)
class CropBackground(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def image(image):
mask = image > 0
xs, = mask.any(0).nonzero()
ys, = mask.any(1).nonzero()
return image[ys.min():ys.max() + 1, xs.min():xs.max() + 1]
Data augmentation¶
In [ ]:
from connectome import Transform, impure
import numpy as np
class RandomFlip(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def _flip():
return np.random.binomial(1, 0.5)
def image(image, _flip):
if _flip:
return np.flip(image, axis=1)
return image
from connectome import Transform, impure
import numpy as np
class RandomFlip(Transform):
__inherit__ = True
def _flip():
return np.random.binomial(1, 0.5)
def image(image, _flip):
if _flip:
return np.flip(image, axis=1)
return image
Combining it all together¶
In [ ]:
from amid.rsna_bc import RSNABreastCancer
from connectome import Chain
ds = Chain(
Apply(image=lambda x: zoom(np.float32(x), 0.25, order=1)),
# aug
from amid.rsna_bc import RSNABreastCancer
from connectome import Chain
ds = Chain(
Apply(image=lambda x: zoom(np.float32(x), 0.25, order=1)),
# aug