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Awesome Medical Imaging Datasets (AMID) - a curated list of medical imaging datasets with unified interfaces

Getting started

Just import a dataset and start using it!

Note that for some datasets you must manually download the raw files first.

from amid.verse import VerSe

ds = VerSe()
# get the available ids
i = ds.ids[0]

# use the available methods:
#   load the image and vertebrae masks
x, y = ds.image(i), ds.masks(i)
print(ds.split(i), ds.patient(i))

# or get a namedTuple-like object:
entry = ds(i)
x, y = entry.image, entry.masks
print(entry.split, entry.patient)


Just get it from PyPi:

pip install amid

Or if you want to use version control features:

git clone
cd amid && pip install -e .